Got some bad news this weekend. An old friend from college, Scott Bailey, died last week after being hit by a car on his bicycle. Sadly, he leaves behind a wife, Terri, who was also a college friend, and a new baby, Paul. Scott was starting his second year of law school at Wake Forest.
Scott was as talented of a person as I have ever known. He was a great all around musician; he could sing and play all variety of instruments including piano, guitar, mandolin, banjo, and drums. Scott eventually become a music teacher -- something I'm sure he enjoyed more than teaching the LSATs, which, incidentally, he was also qualified to do. Scott was also a great athlete, being a former #1 on the VWC tennis team and a nasty basketball player who could easily dunk at about 6'1". Moreover, he had an extremely deep and inquisitive mind. Scott liked nothing more than to sit around and talk music, philosophy, psychology or whatever was attracting his interest at the time. And unlike most college kids, Scott didn't spend hours in front of the TV. He used his free time to write songs and poems, learn new instruments, and read interesting books. When it came to those things that he was passionate about, he wasn't just driven, he was an unstoppable force of nature.
Scott had been playing music with my good buddy, Marc Murray, when I first met him during my freshmen year. We hit it off pretty well -- probably more as friends than as musicians because he was much much better than me back then -- and Marc and Scott invited me to join up. And so we formed the "The Sultans of Swing." The Sultans played every Wednesday night for a good two years at a dive bar in Norfolk called Batterson's. Usually, we made just enough money to cover our bar tab, but it was more fun than I had ever had in my life. And Scott was our leader. He taught us all the songs we played, organized most of our gigs, and assumed the responsibility of nodding at us (usually me) when the bridge or chorus was coming up. Scott was also our unquestioned speaker between songs, yet another thing that he was a natural at due to his confidence and sense of humor, but also because he had a great deep voice. Scott's personality was infectious. When I started college, I was painfully shy and reserved, but being able to hang out and play music with Scott, who was so naturally cool and confident, and Marc, who was equally confident if not as cool (at least not in the traditional sense), made it easy for me to come out of my shell.
I remember that during the first few months of playing music with Scott, he could be quick to tell me or Marc if we were screwing up, but he became much more patient as the years went on. By his senior year, he seemed to be much happier with himself and his life. Thinking back, I'm sure the change occurred when he started dating Terri. He adored Terri and it showed.
Scott and I corresponded by e-mail last year when he started law school. He had found my profile on my old firm's website and was joking about my goofy picture. I was looking forward to calling him up one day and addressing him as counselor. I'm sure he would've already had something to teach me about law. He was a good teacher and an even better friend.
Sorry about your friend, Pete. That was a very moving tribute.
Well said. I'm sorry you couldn't make it to NC for the party. Marc and I got to buddy up for the day. It was nice seeing him again. I hope you haven't traded in your guitar for the wii you enjoy so much. I like your blog.
Scott ended up playing in hundreds of places, but I'm pretty sure that Batterson's was always his favorite. hundreds in that small cramped bar.
Nice to see you exist.
If you ever are back this way or just get bored, give us a tickle. Due to the tragic events I also got in touch with Christian Morris again. He and Marc seems to have switched roles in life.
Jake Hall
I was Scott's mentor at Wake last year and he was such an amazing guy. It is such a tragedy that this had to happen to such a great guy. I got to hear him play guitar a few months ago and he really was phenomenal.
Thank you for posting this great tribute to him. Even though I didn't know him nearly as well at you, I'll miss him just the same.
I was lucky enough to know Scott while he taught at Alpha Music.
He was an inspiration. Always took the time to say hello w/a wonderful smile.
God bless you & yours.
Tony D.
I grew up with Scott (back then he went by a nickname so it's strange to call him Scott now) and shared countless hours of talking and joking around.
He was one of my closest friends for years.
We lost touch, but I and the others who grew up with him remember and miss him.
One of us found your blog memorializing him. It means a great deal to hear one of his friends from later in life speak so well of him, and to know that he was happy.
Thank you.
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