Friday, July 24, 2009

Pond Scum 2

He was born in the marsh under the open sky as has become a sort of tradition for us Legers. Don't ask me how or when it started, but people around here all say that the first thing a Leger hears when he drops out into this world is the sound of croaking toads. And it's true. It must be like waking up to a dog licking your face from all angles, except you don't know what a dog is or why it's there. You get used to it pretty quick though and soon you don't even hear it unless you're listening for it.

Anyway, James was born in the marsh under rain clouds and amidst a heavy fog. When he came out it was so dark that nobody noticed his extra leg. He got all wrapped up pretty quick and taken inside to eat and sleep with his mother. It wasn't until the next morning that we found out about the leg.

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