It's been a long since I've posted anything on ATGR, and even longer since I've posted anything worthwhile. Someday, when I have more time, which will probably be twenty or thirty years from now, I'll sit down and write a post about Kimya's birth and what that whole experience was like, although I don't think I'll ever be capable enough as a writer to describe it without using cliches. It was just an indescribably wonderful experience.
For now, I'm just going to post a picture of our beautiful girl, Kimya, or as I like to call her, Mimya, or The Mim, or sometimes, Rancho Cucasmoocho, which is a reference to her Southern California roots. I also like to call her my little gulab jamun and my little jalebi baby, which are references to her Indian roots and the fact that she looks like a sweet dessert. Every once in a while, I like to sing a song in which I call her my pumpkin pie and tell her that she's the apple of my eye. She likes looking at me. She doesn't like it yet when I kiss her, which is probably because of my beard and stubble and coffee breath. But she smiles at me when I get home from work and hold her. And when I stick my tongue out at her, she sticks her tongue out back. It's all pretty damned amazing.