It's been a long since I've posted anything on ATGR, and even longer since I've posted anything worthwhile. Someday, when I have more time, which will probably be twenty or thirty years from now, I'll sit down and write a post about Kimya's birth and what that whole experience was like, although I don't think I'll ever be capable enough as a writer to describe it without using cliches. It was just an indescribably wonderful experience.
For now, I'm just going to post a picture of our beautiful girl, Kimya, or as I like to call her, Mimya, or The Mim, or sometimes, Rancho Cucasmoocho, which is a reference to her Southern California roots. I also like to call her my little gulab jamun and my little jalebi baby, which are references to her Indian roots and the fact that she looks like a sweet dessert. Every once in a while, I like to sing a song in which I call her my pumpkin pie and tell her that she's the apple of my eye. She likes looking at me. She doesn't like it yet when I kiss her, which is probably because of my beard and stubble and coffee breath. But she smiles at me when I get home from work and hold her. And when I stick my tongue out at her, she sticks her tongue out back. It's all pretty damned amazing.
She is amazing. I can't wait to meet her.
See, I would describe her birth as an indescribably uncomfortable, painful and generally miserable experience. All except the few seconds approximately 20 hours in, when they said it's a girl! the part when i got to see her for the first time, and then everything after the part when they finished putting my insides back where they belong and gave her to me and wheeled us to the recovery room. But I guess that's the difference between being a spectator and an active participant :)
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