Thursday, July 12, 2007


What he admired in Fraulein Eberhardt was simple: deliciously large round breasts and smooth curves around the bottom. Years later, he would think back and realize that she was not an overly attractive woman. In fact, she had wide, square teeth that looked like crude dentures. The teeth of a primate, he thought. What's more is that Fraulein Eberhardt would unwittingly accentuate her large teeth by opening her mouth and running her tongue along the outside of her lower gums -- a gesticulation that caused the liquid in her mouth click and pop in a tedious and unflattering display.

But now he was thinking fondly about Frau Eberhard's strong thick legs and how tightly she could squeeze him. When his thoughts were interrupted by shouts from behind the old shed, he clutched his monocle to make sure it was stowed safely in his pocket.

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