Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Phoenix also rises #1

From a young age, he was a suspicious and decidedly pessimistic boy. Most notably, he saw pretension everywhere, even among infants who could seem "over-coddled," as he liked to say. Once, in the third grade, a little girl noticed him staring at her painting, which had won a first place award in the school's recent art show.

"I see through your proverbial bologna," he said with a sneer. She didn't know what that meant, and neither did any of the other children standing around him. Nevertheless, the apparent insult made the little girl cry and run to the teacher for comfort.

Similar comments led to him being known as "weird," and, moreover, mean. However, once in high school, his disdain for his peers subsided as his detachment from school and family grew. He was soon an invisible young teenager, of little interest to anyone, including his own mother who had two younger and more promising children to tend to. At least that's what he liked to think as he scribbled into his journal -- a spiral bound notebook that he kept behind the toilet of all places.

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